Connected in top quality
The Šumik Estate cuisine is unique. It is a cuisine where the pure tastes of our home farm blend with organic products by wonderful people, who, just like us, respect nature with all their heart.

The Dajčman organic farm, located in a village called Sv. Duh na Ostrem vrhu, lies on the hilly Kozjak mountains landscape. The Dajčman family has been focusing on milk production for 40 years. With their milk, they supply Ljubljanske mlekarne, which gave Gašper Dajčman S posluhom za jutri award for his enthusiasm about promotion and development of organic milk production. In 2018, they entered the national quality scheme with the agricultural cooperative Selnica ob Dravi's help and obtained the certification Izbrana kakovost – Slovenija.
The Ferlinc organic farm, located in Fala, obtained their first organic certification in 2003. They undertake forestry and sheep farming and grow cereals in fields and hayfields, especially spelt and corn. For sale, they produce asparaguses as well; other vegetables serve them as a self-supply. They grow apple trees in their orchards, and make organic apple juice in fall.

The Najvirt organic farm, located in Pesnica pri Mariboru, has been producing vegetables for two years. They decided to start organic production in 2013 because they believe we deserve to consume impeccable and high-quality food. Since they obtained their organic certification, their production and selling of vegetables has increased, especially tomatoes and bell peppers.
On the Valentan organic farm, which lies in Vodole nad Malečnikom, two agronomists Metka and Simon, are the leading farmers. They produce organic food and high-quality wines of indigenous sorts with the help of tradition and new knowledge.